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@JayWill7497 Reporter, Journalist, Blogger, Researcher. I am committed to providing information by posting/archiving videos, articles, and links. I also investigate to raise awareness on numerous issues, inspire critical thinking, involvement, and hopefully to help make our world a better place for all. “The truth, always the truth at all costs”

Police State USA: Veteran Pulled Over by Camo-Wearing Police In Armored Vehicle (Video)

Veteran Pulled Over by Camo-Wearing Cops in Armored Vehicle

A video clip out of my hometown Gainesville, Florida exhibits a man being pulled over by camouflage-wearing cops driving an armored vehicle, a troubling reminder that law enforcement in America is starting to be significantly militarized. Recently there has been an uptick in law enforcement presence here possibly related to the upcoming Jade Helm operation. A couple of days ago I myself witnessed 3 Black Hawk Helicopters flying in formation over the city although I wasn’t able to get footage of it.. Enjoy!!!

Driver, Lucas Jewell, was pulled over after he conducted a impolite hand gesture aimed at the cops, but the problem is not about whether or not that Jewell should have been bothered for flipping the bird, or whether he was also involved in a “sexual act” as another officer stated.

The problem is why are police officers executing routine traffic patrols in armored vehicles that wouldn’t look out of place in populated Afghanistan?

“I’m really getting pulled over by a tank right now?” Jewell, a Navy veteran, says, to which an Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy replies “yes sir”.

Jewell appertains to a U.S. Court of Appeals ruling which determined that a “gesture of insult is not the basis for a reasonable suspicion of a traffic violation or impending criminal activity.”

Nevertheless, the cop is not curious and instead requires to see the Jewell’s license before making him get out of the motor vehicle.

The officer then begins to get angry and poises to arrest Jewell for “resisting” because he is not obeying commands fast enough.

The cop states that Jewell conducted an “improper hand signal”. Jewell reacts by articulating his shock that a “safe community” would need tanks patrolling the streets, saying, “I didn’t know we were in Iraq”.

Another police officer then objects to being featured, saying that the phone camera could be a firearm, before Jewell is at some point allowed to leave.

“Deputies felt the need to dress up like soldiers because it was Orange and Blue Weekend, a three-day celebration of festivities highlighted by a scrimmage football game between Florida Gator teammates that was free and open to all ages,” accounts Carlos Miller.

Worries about the militarization of U.S. law enforcement have increased since last year’s unrest in Ferguson, Missouri. Be AWARE and be PREPARED, FEAR is not an option. Be safe everyone…

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